FreeĀ Master ClassĀ for Aspiring IT Professionals with 10+ Years of Experience

Hosted by Raj Polanki, CIO, Author, Keynote Speaker, Forbes Council Member

How To FastTrack Your IT Leadership Career to theĀ Top -Ā IT Director, VP and Above?Ā 


Even If You Currently Have NoĀ MBA or Bunch of Certifications or Decades of Leadership Experience


šŸ” Discover and Unlock Pivotal IT Leadership Skills for Growth

šŸš€ Master theĀ LeadershipĀ Triad to Propel Your IT Career

šŸ’Ŗ Boost Your Leadership Confidence and Influence Others

šŸŽ¤ Benefit from Real-life Experiences and Proven Strategies

šŸ—ŗļø StrategicallyĀ Navigate Your IT Leadership Career Path with Clarity


Avoid being stuck for another decade!Ā Claim Your Spot in Our Exclusive Free Training Now and Learn from a CIO!

IT Leadership CareerĀ  Foundation Training

You won't want to miss out on this exclusive offer!Ā 

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Discover theĀ Three Game-Changing SecretsĀ That Propelled Me to CIO:Ā Essential Insights I Wish I Knew Earlier

Secret 1 - Fast Tracking Leadership Career

Ever wondered why some IT professionals soar to the top while others stagnate? This secret isnā€™t about shortcuts; itā€™s about an unspoken path to leadership that only a few know.

Learn how to navigate the maze of corporate hierarchy, from being a team player to leading the boardroom. Are you prepared to uncover the path less traveled?

Secret 2 -Ā Unlock Top IT Leadership (CIO) Skills

Thereā€™s a unique blend of skills that separates top IT leaders from the rest. Weā€™re not just talking technical expertise ā€“ itā€™s something more profound, more impactful.

Discover the four pivotal domains that can transform your approach and make you indispensable in any IT organization. Ready to learn what these game-changing skills are?

Secret 3 -Ā Smart and Strategic WorkĀ to FastTrack

You've worked hard to establish your IT career. Now, discover what it takes to rise to the top echelons of IT leadership.

This secret builds upon your achievements, introducing a strategic blend of advanced business acumen and leadership skills. Ready to embrace the next level of your professional evolution?

Join our FREE FastTrack IT Leadership Career - Foundation Training today and pave the way for your success in the IT leadership realm.

Spots are limited, so sign up now to secure your place!

šŸŒŸ Secure My Spot for This Free Training! šŸš€

Meet Your CIO Mentor Who's Been Where You Are - Raj Polanki

Hello, I'm Raj Polanki. Like many of you, my journey in the IT world started with its fair share of challenges.

As an individual contributor, I faced years of striving for progress, often wishing for a mentor to illuminate the path ahead. I remember the countless nights spent questioning my direction, feeling isolated in a vast, competitive field, longing forĀ some guidanceĀ to shed light on an elusive path to success.Ā 

Today, I stand before you as the CIO of a renowned US company, spearheading IT Strategy, Operations, and Digital Transformation.

My academic credentials include an MBA from Ross Business School and an Advanced Executive Certificate from MIT Sloan, complemented by a suite of industry-proven certifications. As a member of the Forbes Technology Council and various CIO Councils, an author, and a keynote speaker, my journey has been rich with diverse experiences.

Now, alongside my partners, I'm here to offer that guiding hand I once sought.

Our mission is to empower passionate IT professionals like you to achieve your highest career aspirations.